To achieve the stated aims and objectives the Foundation will:

- Carry out its activities in Spain and outside of Spain.
- Support people and projects that promote its institutional aims.
- Generate the resources needed to achieve the stated aims.
- Promote training programs, research studies and publications related to Spanish language and culture.
- Promote, convene and organize congresses, seminars, and conferences.
- Announce and award scholarships and financial aid for people and groups of people interested in the Spanish language and culture and interested in undergraduate and graduate university studies but who lack the economic resources to access these studies.
- Collaborate through mutual agreements and contracts with those Spanish and foreign institutions and organizations that share the Foundation’s objectives, in order to strengthen the objectives and to accelerate their achievement.
- Actively collaborate with the different administrations and entities mentioned above, in order to transmit to them any information obtained by the Foundation through its own activities along with the current perception about the true or desirable situation of the Spanish as a Foreign Language (ELE) business sector.
- Develop collaborative projects with public institutions and private businesses related to research and actions of the Spanish as a Foreign Language sector, the sector’s impact on the labor market and its role in economic development at local, provincial, regional, national and international levels.
- Open cultural centers and schools of Spanish, principally in those cities and countries lacking official and institutional support in this area.
- Develop specific training for translators and interpreters from countries with the highest language requirements.
- Build an ample network of relationships in and outside of Spain that will convert the Foundation into one of the most dynamic and relevant institutions committed to the dissemination of Spanish language and culture.
- Contribute to collaborative efforts to design, develop and produce software applications or tools that incorporate the dissemination of Spanish language and culture.
- Promote reading, Spanish arts and Spanish language books as ideal vehicles for the dissemination of Spanish language and culture.