don Quijote Foundation Activities

don Quijote Foundation current projects
Grant scheme
Headquarters of the Cervantes Institute
don Quijote has obtained prestigious certifications, which include recognition as authorized Centers for the Cervantes Institute in Granada, Salamanca, Tenerife and Valencia, and has 35 Spanish schools for foreign students open all year round.
For our locations we have chosen the most beautiful and historical cities with great cultural heritage in both Spain and Latin America, with more than 25 courses, flexible start dates and a large variety of accommodation options. don Quijote offers Spanish courses for all levels, from beginners to advanced students. Within our policy of corporate social responsibility, our companies have a marked objective to contribute to the diffusion of Spanish worldwide. Therefore we have instituted a Grant Scheme for studying in 2012, whereby students enrolled in the Cervantes Institute in their area can enjoy a course at any of our schools in Spain (Alicante, Granada, Marbella, Salamanca, Sevilla and Valencia in the existing availability) although with preference in Barcelona and Madrid. The grant has the following features:
Intensive language and culture course grant. 2012 (50 class hours)
- Duration: 2 weeks (20 + 5 lessons per week in groups) Includes registration and course materials.
- Levels: Any of the levels offered.
- Course Dates: Starting any Monday from September to December in 2012, subject to availability.
- Requirements: submission of a piece of work about the city where the grant was enjoyed.
The grant will not, under any circumstances, include any other extra services that are not established in the summary of conditions in the box above. However, our don Quijote centers are available to offer grant students certain services, such as transfers from the airport/bus or train station to where you are staying, or certain forms of accommodation (home stays, shared or private apartment, a double room in a residence, full board or other options, subject to availability), which, like all other extras, are to be paid by the student.
There is a new condition to this Grant Scheme, which consists of the student who receives the grant has an obligation to write and submit to the school a report which covers their time in Spain, and talks about the city where they enjoyed the grant. This work is to be written in the student’s native language as well as in Spanish, and contain relevant information about the city, such as its history, location, places of interest to visit, useful information on museums, monuments or any other reference that could be interesting to describe your stay. It also must include some photos about the school and the student’s time there; there may be a competition to select the best photography.
The Cervantes Institute handles all of the selection processes of the grant student, amongst its current students enrolled for this academic year, according to their procedures and criteria.
For more information or clarification, please contact:
The Department of Institute Relations and the Marketing Department of Ideal Education Group
Juan José MORILLAS Head of the Institute Relations Department (
Niina AVKSENTJEVA Area Manager (
This program is designed for young residents who are currently outside Spain and looking for formation and to improve their insertion into the professional market. They will receive training in Spanish (specific for business or tourism) and participate in unpaid work experience in local businesses. It will take place in Sao Paulo (Brazil). This project will offer 20 Spanish youths who are in Brazil for two weeks the opportunity to perfect their professional knowledge and linguistic use of specialised Spanish as well as allowing them to participate in work experience programs. It will help to improve their employment prospects with relation to the Resolution of the 20th December 2010, from the General Management of Spanish Citizens Abroad, who announced the need for help in 2011 with the Youth Program of the Order TAS/874/2007, 28th March (BOE from 29th December 2010).
Beneficiaries: 20 young Spanish residents who are outside of Spain, with priority given to those who are between 18 and 35.
Place of Program: SAO PAULO (Brasil)
Dates: From the 17th to the 28th October 2011 (20 Places)
The Scholarship includes:
- Intensive two week Spanish course (25 hours teaching time in classroom) to prepare for the official exams, Spanish for business or Spanish for tourism: la Cámara de Comercio e Industria de Madrid.
- Inscription into the official Business Spanish exam or Spanish for tourism exam: la Cámara de Comercio e Industria de Madrid.
- Transport to Sao Paulo (Brasil), within the established budgetary limits, each case will be addressed individually.
- 2 weeks of accommodation and maintenance in Sao Paulo(Brasil).
- Study materials to help prepare for the exams.
- Insurance for the participants.
- 10 hours of insertion into the professional market through unpaid work experience in Brazilian companies, improving future employment prospects in the specialised areas of marketing, sales, tourism, and business with the Spanish market.
- Obligatory inscription payment for each pupil with (50 euros) is the pupil's responsibility..
Información e inscripcioneInformation and Inscriptions: Online through the Fundacion don Quijote website. Collaborating with program delivery; CEXT, Ministries of Work and Immigration, or in their absence, the Departments of Work and Immigration in Brazil, Cervantes Institute and website of the General Management of the Spanish Citizen overseas.
Documentation to send.- 1. Enrolment papers completely filled in and signed. 2. Certified photocopy of either DNI or passport. 3. Certificate from the Consulate or Embassy of the place of residence where you are stated to be a Spanish resident. 4. Brief CV with covering letter, explaining your motivations for applying for the scholarship and your future plans. 5. In the case of successfully receiving the scholarship, bank receipt for the payment of the obligatory inscription payment.
Program: "commercial and business training in Spain and work experience to promote the hiring of young Spanish residents within Europe".
A course to support the decision of 10th November 2009, by the Managing directors for non-resident Spanish citizens (Official state newspaper, edition 277, 17th November 2009) which will allow 30 young Spanish residents from Europe to stay in Madrid (Spain) for 2 weeks in order to improve their linguistic and professional knowledge, and combined with unpaid work experience in Spanish businesses as a way of improving their employment prospects.
The primary objective of this project is to improve the young expatriates` command of Spanish, who, because of their, often bilingual, background, need to develop their ability in their maternal tongue, in contrast to the majority of its use in their country or place of residence.
Digital Publication of ´Cuadernos Cervantes`
The project will mean an innovating involvement within the line of work action and cultural promotion pursued by the ministry of culture. In general terms, the endorsement of activities which contribute to the promotion and spreading of different cultural publications within, as well as outside of, Spain. The decreased estimate of subsidies means a necessary cut back as regards the objectives of the project; for which now we are trying to follow the following specific objectives.
- Spread Spanish culture, in all of its publications, abroad and develop cultural links between Spain and other communities throughout the world.
- Contribute to the implementation of new technologies within the cultural production, and through its distribution channels aid the creation of digital contents in Spanish.
Those affected by the activity
Students, researchers, teachers, specialists and students of Spanish as a foreign language.
Project +ñ
The Promotion of Spanish through New Information and Communication Technologies for the social integration of people with disabilities.
The importance of New Information and Communication Technologies is becoming more evident in our society today. These technologies are tackling the objectives of social and integration of people with disabilities. Along with these facts, we stress the importance of education and training as the real tools in overcoming physical and psychological inequality, thus uniting people without differing in obtaining interesting cognitive goals.
This is where Project +ñ comes in: it contributes by promoting Spanish and, at the same time, providing the necessary and supportive cooperation in the social integration of people with disabilities. An interesting implementation allows people to access jobs through appropriate professional training, to use the Spanish language and to promote it in Internet and other channels through the application of informative tools and technologies that can be learned and swiftly applied by this group.
Project +ñ is an innovative way of facilitating the insertion of people with disabilities who may find in Information Technology an opportunity to socially and/or professionally integrate, at the same time promote the Spanish language and its presence on the web as a mean of communication, not only with Spanish-speakers, but with those interested in the culture of Spanish.
SVE Project:
The recruitment of European volunteers and the implementation of activities in the “Youths in Action” program of the European Commission. More Information
dQBiblio Project:
“The study and cataloguing of school libraries’ technological and media resources used in the teaching of Spanish for the purpose of integrating immigrant population.” Ministry of Education, Social Policy and Sport. More Information
Inlingua Project:
A pioneering initiative in the promotion of Spanish as a Foreign Language and in the training of volunteers. The collaboration between School Aid Network and don Quijote Foundation involves the combining of talents of the two foundations to prepare volunteers, offer the knowledge of learning the Spanish language and to give them the ability to step inside the mind and context of another culture. More Information
don Quijote Foundation Scholarships:
To the best-developed and most creative plans that actively promote the learning of Spanish as a foreign language.
Arrangements, Agreements, etc:
· Incorporation to the Spanish Association of Foundations (Asociación española de Fundaciones).
· Developing the INLINGUA project through collaborative arrangements with School Aid Network (UK) to develop the Spanish linguistic skills of English volunteers incorporating into the volunteer or solidarity programs in Latin America.
· Proposal agreements with CAJA NAVARRA for use of their premises for public celebrations.