SVE Project
A manifested interest approved by the SVE Project (servicio voluntariado europeo – European Volunteer Service) through the INJUVE of Spain’s Ministry of Equal Rights for the recruitment of European volunteers and the implementation of activities in the Programa Juventud en Acción (“Youths in Action” program) of the European Commission.
The European Commission, the European Parliament and member states of the European Union have agreed to establish the Programa Juventud en Accion (“Youths in Action Program”) which will develop between 2007-2013. The program is made up of 5 shares which count on youth participation between the ages of 13 and 30 who work in young atmosphere. The applicants must be residents of member states of the European Union, although participation by youths of associated states is also being considered.
An important priority for the European Union is that youth with fewer opportunities, whether cultural, economical, social, geographical or for a physical or mental disabilities can participate in this program.
Among the program objectives, the following stand out:
· Promote active citizenship among youth.
· To boost solidarity and promote tolerance.
· Favor the mutual understanding between youths of different countries.
· Favor the European cooperation in a young environment.
· Step 2 of the program is called Servicio Voluntario Europeo (SVE, “European Volunteer Service”) and is a way of encouraging youth participation in various volunteer activities. It’s aimed to youths between 18-30 years old who participate, either as a whole or individually, in non-profit and un-paid activities.
Therefore, the European Volunteer Service (SVE in Spanish) is a service of “learning” by which through informal experiences, the young volunteers improve or acquire competencies for their own personal, education or professional growth as well as for social integration.
SVE supports transnational voluntary youth work. Its aim is to develop solidarity and promote tolerance among youths, fundamentally to reinforce social cohesion in the European Union. It promotes active citizenship and mutual comprehension between youngsters. SVE is conducted through organized activities set up by the association between legalized organizations who send or recruit volunteers. Volunteers carry out the volunteering activities in a country other than their place of residence. This non-profit and unpaid activity will be full time and the period length in which it will last is based on the benefited community.